Hi! My name is Alex or null, but mostly everyone calls me Quinn!
My pronouns are They // It!
I do all sorts of stuff, but to be more specific I am knowledgeable in HTML, CSS, JS, Vue, and a couple other languages!
Some of my projects can be found on my GitHub! The rest can be found on s
I am interested in cinematography, photography, and really anything to do with a camera!
Currently, I am enrolled in college for my Bachelors of Science in Multimedia & Film Production!
I work as a barista part time and also as a student production assistant in a D1 college athletics program!
Generally I am busy from 7 AM EST to around 5 PM EST, so I may be slower to do anything between those times!
You can drag the notepad window! The notepad was more of a test than anything, but it does save anything typed in it to the cache in your browser! It works surprisingly well for using minimal JS and CSS!